Wild Wild West Con 2022
I was thrilled to be back in action at Wild Wild West Con 10 earlier this month.
WWWC is an amazing Steam Punk convention located in Tucson, AZ. Excitement was in the air as this was the first in-person con since 2020. Usually held at Old Tucson, this year it was held for the first time at the historic Westward Look Hotel. Despite the challenges of a new place and Covid precautions there was an overall feeling of joy that permeated the air. A special thanks to all the crew who were not only incredibly helpful, but kind and respectful to all.
Highlights included panels, the cosplay contest, fascinating contraptions for sale in the vendor hall, and an overwhelming love for Steam Punk around every corner! I had so much talking to a wide-variety of cosplayers, artists, authors, venders, and more! There is still a podcast episode coming, but some technical difficulties popped up with my equipment and I am in the process of cobbling together the footage I am left with. Stay tuned for that!
Since this event, it has been announced that Old Tucson has new ownership and should be reopening later this year! So I am hopeful that WWWC can return to its original home next year. This is one of my favorite cons and I hope to keep attending for years to come!

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